Appraisal Tracker

  • Web
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Thymeleaf
  • UI design
  • jQuery

This web app was inspired by the Dominos "pizza tracker". No, seriously!

At United States Appraisals, we became aware that home loan borrowers whose appraisals we handled didn't have much visibilty into our process. This was not ideal for the borrower, but it was also a shame for us, because we were proud of how quickly we turned around our work, and that was being obscurred in the larger home-buying process. Enter the pizza—er appraisal—tracker, a responsive web app which displays the current progress of the appraisal in an animated progess bar, allows for expediting the scheduling process, and provides a download the final report.

The backend is a Java app built on Spring Boot. I designed the user-interface and built it with Thymeleaf HTML templates, CSS, and JavaScript